The Snowbound Story
began many years ago in Baltimore, Maryland. That's right. Snowy, mountainous, Baltimore, MD — at 36 feet of elevation.
As a former advertising guy, Joe designed the Snowbound logo in 1978. Although he grew up a flatlander, Joe was always drawn to winter. He was hooked on skiing ever since his first encounter in 1968, on wooden skis and a 100-foot hill. Fast forward to when Joe met Bill, and now they average a combined 70+ days a season — 50 of which are Bill's.

When Bill entered the picture in 1979,
Snowbound began to take shape.
The first OG Snowbound logo was created, and chrome bumper stickers were made; some of which you'll still find at our pop-up shop's today.
As Joe and Bill pursued their careers and raised their families, Snowbound was shelved. But just like a bottle of Crown Royal, Snowbound got better with age.

Here we are, nearly five decades years later.
Joe and Bill reconnected, both retired, and somehow started working more now, than ever. Naturally, Snowbound came back to life.
After workshopping the idea with their network, they found Ed; a born and raised one-planker from Maine, with a decade in the snow sports retail industry.
Ed found Weston; a fellow Sugarloafer with a decade in digital marketing and serious disregard for responsibilities on a powder day.
Bill, Joe, Ed, and Weston became the winning combination to give Snowbound some legs. On October 7th, 2023 Snowbound launched during Sugarloaf's Homecoming Weekend.

Join Our Story
Snowbound isn't just the four of us.
Snowbound is everyone who plays a part in making the winter season happen.